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About Trovell

Maintaining good mental health and well-being is crucial for living a fulfilling life. However, mental health challenges have been increasing globally, and the Covid-19 pandemic has further intensified these struggles for people everywhere.

In response, access to reliable mental health resources has become more important than ever. But the search for the right information can be overwhelming due to the vast array of sources available. Finding help, identifying appropriate resources, and accessing professional care can be intimidating and challenging.

Trovell is a comprehensive digital mental health and well-being platform designed to simplify the process of finding support for oneself or loved ones, regardless of their circumstances. Trovell serves as a bridge between individuals seeking guidance and the wealth of available mental health and well-being information. As a one-stop resource, Trovell curates high-quality content from various sources, enabling users to focus on their mental health journey without feeling overwhelmed.

Trovell recognizes that each person’s requirements are unique. Therefore, the platform provides a wide range of resources, from advice on mental well-being and self-care to guidance on finding support for those with mental health requirements. By addressing all these aspects, Trovell tries to empower everyone to improve their quality of life.

Tina Pfeil is the founder of Trovell. Her personal experiences and the worldwide mental health crisis she read about in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic inspired the creation of Trovell in 2022. Tina was born in Germany where she spent the first 25 years of her life before moving to Dubai from 2003 to 2021. She now resides with her husband and two young boys near Lisbon in Portugal.

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